Earth Celebrations
Engaging Communities to Generate Ecological and Social Change through the Arts


Route Schedule 

Ecological City 2019 Route Schedule–Procession for Climate Solutions 

DATE Saturday, May 11 (Rain Date May 12)
TIME  11am – 6pm, See Route and Schedule Below
START 11am at Sixth Street Community Center
638 E. 6th Street (btw. Aves B & C) Lower East Side, NYC

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Times- Locations-Featured Performances

PRINT ➤ A Full Route and Schedule

@ Sixth Street Community Center – 638 E. 6th Street (btw. Aves B & C),
Lower East Side, NYC

@ 11th Street NE Corner btw. 1st and Ave. A
Song for the Earth – Compost Ceremony

@ 12th  Street btw. Aves A & B
Upcycling Dance by Artichoke Dance Company
Choreography: Lynn Neuman – Artichoke Dance Company
Dancer Credits: Shawn Brush and Genna Mergola

Artistic Director of Artichoke Dance Company founded in 1995. Artichoke has
held seventeen New York seasons and toured nationally and internationally.
Since 2005, the company has presented at Danspace Project at St. Mark’s
Church, PS122, 92nd Street Y, Dixon Place, American Theatre of
Actors, University Settlement and Symphony Space, as well as at festivals
including Fringe NYC, Dance/Now NYC, DUMBO Arts Festival, the Philadelphia
Fringe Festival, and the Piccolo Spoleto Festival. Since 2010 their work has
focused on environmental issues and included large-scale upcycling projects
rooted in community involvement and education.

@ 610 E. 12th  Street (btw. Aves B & C)
Art & Science Sustainability Spectacular

@ 12th  Street btw. Aves B & C
Poem For Sustainable Urban Agriculture by Steve Dalachinsky

@ 9th  Street & Ave. C (NE corner)
‘Song for Solar’ by Lower East Side Girls Club Choir

THE LOWER EAST SIDE GIRLS CLUB (LESGC) is a non-profit organization on
the Lower East Side connecting girls and young women to healthy and
successful futures. With a state of- the- art center, it offers a safe haven with
programs in the arts, sciences, leadership, entrepreneurship, and wellness for
Middle and High School girls and their families. Programs are offered at no cost
to all. Our mission is to break the cycle of local poverty by training the next
generation of ethical, entrepreneurial and environmental leaders.

@ 9th  Street & Ave. C (SW corner)
Hurricane Sandy and Birth of Climate Solutions – Gardens, Rivers, and the
Ecological City – Mythic Drama
Pollution Pick-Up – Jim Simopoulos
Pollution Pirates – Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space with Time’s Up
Birth of a Garden Dance – Maira Duarte – Dance to the People
Battle of Pollution Pirates & Climate Consequences with Climate Solutions Spirits
– Choreography by Martha Eddy – 55C Studio & Global Water Dances with Earth
Celebrations volunteers and Climate Refugees by Rolando Politi
Rehearsal Director: Emily Forche
Music: Deixe Fofocar – directed by Glenn Healy

DANCE TO THE PEOPLE is an open collective working in non-hierarchical
forms of art making. It was formed in 2014 in NYC by Mexican dancer and
choreographer, Maira Duarte, with the goal of accessing unutilized spaces and
promoting a sustainable exchange of resources within the dance and
performance community. DTTP holds and organizes donation-based class
series, environmental dance research outings, performance parties, and forums.

Eddy, CMA, RSMT uses body consciousness to enhance our capacity to protect
water, and in turn the planet. She is a co-founder of the biennial worldwide environmental dance event that brought 60 countries together in June 2011 and now has 120 sites registered (and growing) on 6 continents  for June 15, 2019. She directs Moving For Life in
NYC which offers free movement and wellness class in all five boroughs for older
adults and people of all ages in  treatment or recovery from cancer.  Moving For
Life has its office and provides arts & movement programming for all ages at 55C
Studio which MFL developed to be the Lower East Side’s center for Somatic
Movement and the Arts. Martha leads movement choirs for conferences and
brings Global Water Dances to environmental justice actions that focus on local
or global issues. She is author of Mindful Movement.

@ 8th Street btw. Aves B & C
Bio-Swale Serenade by Elizabeth Ruf

1:10 PM – Carmen’s Garden
@ Ave C btw. 8th & 7th St.

@ 8th Street btw. Aves C & D
Rina Rinkewich, Rosita Roldan & Rafaella Spielberg performing “Butterfly At Heart”
Music: “Nigun Ha Lev (The Heart’s Melody)” composed and played by Shlomo Shai

RINA RINKEWICH, M.F.A. teaches dance and leads events and workshops in
New York City and internationally. She was the director of the dance company
Return of the Sun (1999-2012) which performed in Earth Celebrations, a Hudson
River Pageant in 2010 and 2012. Rina currently teaches and leads Israeli Dance
in Brooklyn, N.Y. | Israeli Dancing with Rina Rinkewich

@ 4th Street btw. Aves C & D
Song for Clean Air and Water by Ayo Harrington

@ 4th Street btw. Aves C & D
Wellness Ceremony – Lifestyles of Bioremediation, Symbiosis, Regenerative Culture, and Wellness
Soundscape: Tess Rose
MoS Regenerative Culture Village Center & EV Wellness Circle joined by Expressions of Regenerative Culture by Parsons Sustainable Systems students taught by Kimberly Tate and Maika’i Tubbs
Song for the Healing of the Earth by Marta Vi

DEE DEE MAUCHER – MoS COLLECTIVE – Artist/Environmental Educator
with El Jardin del Paraiso Garden to convene with gardeners to design and
develop a sculptural work incorporating the gardens’ natural materials and bio-
remediation techniques of dirt fermented with effective microorganisms. The
sculpture dissolves in the river and serves to revitalize the polluted waterway.
She has developed bio-remediation art projects and educational workshops
engaging participants in the creation of “mudball” and “bio-spheres” made of dirt
fermented with microorganisms that improve health of soil and water. Her
workshops have been presented through artist Mary Mattingly’s SWALE, New
Museum, Waterfront Alliance, LUNGS Harvest Arts Festival and Harbor Lab and
events throughout New York City.

MARTA VI has been creating and recreating music and choreography in the
community since the late 80’s. She began performing at The Living Theater, ABC
No Rio, and Gargoyle Mechanique in 1989. In 1993, she participated in
Organism, a group show with hundreds of artists at the Mustard Factory in
Brooklyn. She has a band called the Martonias. Marta Vi stands for the water and
the earth.

@ 4th Street btw. Aves C & D
Trudy Silver’s Earth Celebration

TRUDY SILVER is a pianist, educator and cultural worker. She is performing with Leonid Galaganov-drums, Daniel Carter, and Lee Odom-alto saxophones. She is presenting an original composition that is site specific. www.trudysilver.com

@ 6th  Street btw. Aves A & B (SW corner)
“Water Songs” Singers: Lee Taylor  and Pat Lamana

Lee Taylor is a singer/songwriter based in Brooklyn. |

2:30 PM – EARTH SCHOOL (PS364)
@ 6th  Street btw. Aves B & C Ave B (SE corner)
Green Roof Ceremony
featuring a wearable mural performed by Earth School PS 364 students – Costumes
created through Earth Celebrations workshops with Dee Dee Maucher

@ 6th Street btw. Aves B & C
Gardeners’ Water Offering

@ 6th St btw. Aves B & C
Children’s Bee Roof Farm & CSA Ceremony

@ Waterfront Near 6th Street Bridge Area
Death & Rebirth of a River Park – Octavia Dance Company
Steward of the River Ceremony – Waterfront Alliance
Choreography: Laura Ward
Dancers: Cassie Roberts Rossi, Fiona Oba, Natalia Wodnicka, Eva Janiszewski Juliette Janiszewski, Laura V Ward

LAURA VICTORIA WARD, BA, CMA, RSME, is an award-winning
choreographer, Laban Movement Analyst, and teacher. She is the artistic director
of Octavia Cup Dance Theatre and the Glam Rock Cabaret.

@ Circular Maze (Labyrinth Pavement Painting by Diana Carulli near Houston Street)
East River Park Coalition:
Sea Level Rise – Not Fog by Lemon Guo – Director/Composer

Performance: “Calving”
Lemon Guo Music: “Into Silence They Appear”
Performers: Chaesong Kim, Rina Espiritu, Risha Lee, Larkin Grimm, Banyi Huang, Lemon Guo
Costume Designed by Jing Li

NOT FOG is an interdisciplinary project that brings together musicians, dancers,
actors, designers, visual artists, and programmers, and creates collaborative
work that addresses issues of air pollution and highlights individual
characteristics of the performers, building an intimate yet distant, comforting yet
suffocating environment for the audience.

@ Waterfront Under the Williamsburg Bridge
Drama of an East Side Coastal Resiliency Plan with GOLES
and New York City Street Players 
Director: Drew Vanderberg

GOLES (Good Old Lower East Side) is a neighborhood housing and
preservation organization that has served the Lower East Side of Manhattan
since 1977. Its mission is dedicated to tenants’ rights, homelessness prevention,
economic development, and community revitalization. Recent programs address
issues of sustainability and resilience projects including the East Side Coastal
Resiliency plan for Lower Manhattan. The Ecological City has been integrated as
the Creative Community-Engagement Phase 2 integrating data gathered by
GOLES in phase 1. The culminating pageant will develop and bring together a
cohesive resiliency plan and solutions for the neighborhood. Photo and video
documentation along with live excerpts will be presented as part of deliverables
GOLES has been mandated to provide on the East Side Coastal Resiliency plan
and will provide creative testimony through the city planning process.

NEW YORK CITY STREET PLAYERS is a group of humans who play in the
streets of New York City. We are performance artists, musicians, activists, actors,
bards, dances, writers, poets, clowns, breathers, lovers, magicians, urbanists,
thinkers, singers, buskers, laughers, and leaders. We exist to publicly claim the
right to the city and constitute a collective commons through

@ Seal Park near Grand St
Buffering Sea-Rise Water Dance – Jody Sperling with University Settlement
Youth at PS 63, Laneska Rosario, Jewell Campbell (PS63). Lower East Side
Ecology Center – visuals.

JODY SPERLING – TIMELAPSE DANCE Choreographer/Dancer will develop a
visual performance work exploring the river, waterfront redevelopment and their
green infrastructure projects addressing water quality, water-filtration, oyster
planting, wetlands and grey-water recycling. Jody Sperling is a
dancer/choreographer and Founder/Artistic Director of Time Lapse Dance. She
has created more than 40 works and has performed and taught in the US,
Bahrain, Canada, France, India, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Nigeria, Russia,
Scotland and north of the Arctic Circle. In 2014, Sperling participated in a polar
science mission to the Arctic as the first-ever choreographer-in-residence aboard
a US Coast Guard icebreaker. During the expedition, she danced on the polar ice
cap and made the award-winning dance film Ice Floe. She holds an MA in
Performance Studies (Tisch School of the Arts, New York University) and a BA in
Dance and Italian (Wesleyan University).

THE LOWER EAST SIDE ECOLOGY CENTER is a non-profit organization
working toward a more sustainable New York City by providing community-based
recycling and composting programs, developing local stewardship of green
space, and increasing community awareness, involvement and youth
development through environmental education programs. Also known as
Outstanding Renewal Enterprises, Inc., we were founded in 1987. The Ecology
Center offers services and education for a range of environmental subjects:
organics collection/composting, electronic waste recycling, and stewardship of
public green spaces.

UNIVERSITY SETTLEMENT was established in 1886 on the Lower East Side to
serve the needs of the diverse immigrant population, which developed the
Settlement House movement across the country. Now University Settlement has
grown into an organization with over 500 staff providing youth services and
community programming, including partnerships with The Door and

@ WATERFRONT – Near amphitheater at Cherry Street
East River Park Homage: River Cleansing and Closing Ceremony

Shakti – Dance by Lynn Needle – Art of Motion 
“Death and Rebirth of the East River Park” aria by Joule L’Adara
Bio-Remediation Sculpture Offering by Dee Maucher – MOS Collective with
Parsons Sustainable Systems students taught by Kimberly Tate and Maika’i Tubbs
Paul Mankeiwicz – The Gaia Institute    
Water Dance for Rebirth of the Waterfront – Jody Sperling

SHAKTI has been performed at the GLOBAL TEDMED Conference at the
Kennedy Center and toured throughout the country. Costuming by Annie
HIckman, performed by Lynn Needle, Patricia McTigue and Janette Dishuk.
Score by the percussionist from the Grateful Dead, Mickey Hart.

LYNN NEEDLE – ART OF MOTION ENSEMBLE Founder/Artistic Director of Art
of Motion is a former Soloist in the Nikolais Dance Theatre.  A recipient of the
Dance Magazine ACDFA National Award for choreography, Lynn has performed
and taught internationally, worked in documentary film and enjoys teaching
dance, yoga and collaborating with artists.  Her work with dance partner, Kent
Lindemer has resulted in a recent sold out evening of modern dance and theatre.
Also performing is Kent Lindemer, M.F.A. is an Emmy Award winning performer
and former principal dancer and collaborative choreographer with Pilobolus
Dance Theatre,1989-2000. He founded Integrative Somatics in 2000, providing
therapeutic Bodywork, Yoga and Dance training nationally and internationally.
His collaborations with Lynn Needle explore the complex worlds of relationship,
nature and myth. Dance “Shakti” Performed by Art of Motion

THE GAIA INSTITUTE is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation. Our work couples
ecological engineering and restoration with the integration of human communities
in natural systems. While much environmental engineering has the worthy aim of
minimizing harm, the Gaia Institute explores, through research and development,
design and construction, how human activities and waste products can be
treated to increase ecological productivity, biodiversity, environmental quality,
and economic well-being. The purpose of The Gaia Institute is to test through
demonstration the means by which the ecological components of backyards,
communities, towns and cities, as well as watersheds and estuaries, can be
enhanced through integrated wastes-into-resources

JOULE L’ADARA Master of Fine Arts in Multi-Focus Vocal Performance and
Integrated Media, has twenty years of experience singing and performing. Joule
has appeared as a soprano soloist in New York’s Carnegie Hall, and performed
in opera houses, theaters and festivals in Europe and America, including the
Metropolitan Opera in New York. Joule created Sounding Circles originally as
vocal warm-ups intended to take vocalists out of a place of fear and into pure self
expression. As this method developed it became clear there was also potential
for deep emotional and indeed at times physical healing to come out of this group
work, along with the promotion of community cooperation and mutual

Band Bios 2019

11 AM – 2:30 PM
START – Sixth Street Community Center – 638 E. 6th Street (btw. Aves B &C),
Lower East Side, NYC – to Earth School @ 6th Street Ave. B (SE corner)

DEIXE FOFOCAR is a music and dance collective based in Western Japan,
trained and directed by Yasu Okkutsu and Glenn Healy of the East Village. Yasu
is a master guitarist, percussionist, and recording engineer/producer. Glenn is a
drummer, percussionist, and tri-lingual educator, working in 15 countries in the
last two decades.

2:30 PM – 5 PM
Earth School @ 6th Street AVE B (SE corner) to East River Park Site 5 @
East River Park waterfront near amphitheater at Cherry Street

KALUNGA NEG MAWON is a musical ensemble whose mission is to preserve
the African tradition and identity existing in Kisqueya Ayiti, known today as the
Dominican Republic and the Republic of Haiti. We use the name, Kalunga, to
highlight the Congolese cultural aspects retained in Dominican/Haitian culture
and throughout the African diaspora in the Western Hemisphere. Kalunga is a
goddess of the Congolese nation known also as the Muntu-Bantu or Bakongo,
she is the universal cosmos, the Big Bang from which all life comes from,
including the depths of the seas and

ECOLOGICAL CITY: Procession for Climate Solutions is produced and directed as a collaborative community-based ecological arts project by Felicia Young, the Founder/Executive Director of Earth Celebrations, a non-profit organization founded in 1991 on the Lower East Side of New York City to engage communities to generate ecological and social change through the arts. She has developed a successful methodology applying the arts, community engagement, partnership building and environmental action. Her projects over the past 30 years include a fifteen year collaborative community art project, Save Our Gardens (1991-2005) on the Lower East Side which built a local and then citywide grassroots coalition effort and led to the preservation of hundreds of community gardens in New York City. The Hudson River Pageant (2009-2012was a collaborative art project to engage community in the restoration efforts of the Hudson River estuary and revitalization of the waterfront in downtown Manhattan. Her recent Vaigai River Restoration Project (2014-2016) applied this model to build an international and local collaborative effort in the city of Madurai, South India to restore the sacred Vaigai River, which is in a severe crisis due to pollution and the drying effects of climate change.

FELICIA YOUNG, PRODUCER & DIRECTOR of the ECOLOGICAL CITY: Procession for Climate Solutions, a collaborative community-based ecological arts project. She is the Founder/Executive Director of Earth Celebrations, a non-profit organization founded in 1991 on the Lower East Side of New York City to engage communities to generate ecological and social change through the arts. She has developed a successful methodology applying the arts, community engagement, partnership building and environmental action. Her projects over the past 30 years include a fifteen year collaborative community art project, Save Our Gardens (1991-2005) on the Lower East Side which built a local and then citywide grassroots coalition effort and led to the preservation of hundreds of community gardens in New York City. The Hudson River Pageant (2009-2012was a collaborative art project to engage community in the restoration efforts of the Hudson River estuary and revitalization of the waterfront in downtown Manhattan. Her recent Vaigai River Restoration Project (2014-2016) applied this model to build an international and local collaborative effort in the city of Madurai, South India to restore the sacred Vaigai River, which is in a severe crisis due to pollution and the drying effects of climate change. Felicia Young has produced projects for Lincoln Center of the Performing Arts, Arts>World Financial Center, The Alternative Museum, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council and The Hudson River Park Trust and engaged numerous organizations, schools and community service centers to collaborate on these efforts. These projects have received awards and grants including: LMCC-Fund for Creative Community / Manhattan Community Art Fund, DCA-Public Service Award, Threshold Foundation- Arts & Social Change, Puffin Foundation, Hudson River Foundation and International Women’s Caucus on the Arts to the UN-Artistic Activism Award 2017. She has also developed a course, Art, Ecology and Community for Princeton University. Felicia has a BA in Art History from Skidmore College and an MA in Performance Studies from New York University.

Visual Artist Bios 2019

LUCRECIA NOVOA-ECOLOGICAL CITY PUPPET/SCULPTURE WORKSHOP INSTRUCTOR will engage community through our workshop series building paper-mache puppets and masks. She has worked with Earth Celebrations and our community participants since 1997, leading workshops for the Save Our Gardens and Hudson River pageant projects.  She is an experienced mask-maker, puppet builder, performer and arts instructor who has received numerous awards and residencies in New York City, Boston and Chile. She as an MA from Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, 1983-1988, and a BA in Fine Arts from University of Chile, Santiago, Chile. She conducts mask-/puppet workshops through Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, Bronx Zoo and Studio in a School, New York City; Edison School, Portchester, NY; Carver Center, RAIN and SEBCO Senior Centers. Exhibitions of her work include: NY Botanical Garden, Clemente Soto Velez Center, Latin Views Exhibit, Alexey von Schlippe Gallery of Art, University of Ct and Material Culture Exhibit, Longwood Art Gallery, Hostos College, Bronx, NY.

YELAINE RODRIGUEZ – ECOLOGICAL CITY COSTUME WORKSHOP INSTRUCTOR: Bronx-born, Afro-Dominican-American artist, who sources syncretic religions and historical references in the African diasporic communities, to conceptualize wearable art and site-specific Installations. Their interfaith and intercountry narrative explores representations of identity and race through the lens of being the Other. Drawing connections between black culture in the Caribbean and the United States the artist creates installations of wearable art, video and photography. Rodriguez is also one of this generation’s curators making the efforts to bring artist of the African Diaspora into the forefront by curating shows like Resistance, Roots and Truth at the Caribbean Cultural Center and (under)REPRESENT(ed) Parsons Alumni Exhibit both: exhibitions that shed light on the foundational contributions of the African Diasporic communities.Graduate of Parsons the New School for Design in 2013.  Van Lier Fellowship recipient at Wave Hill 2018, and Fellow from the Caribbean Cultural Center of the African Diaspora 2017. Her work has been included at Miami Art Basel, Longwood Art Gallery, American Museum of Natural History, Wave Hill, Rush Art Gallery, El Centro Cultural de España and Centro León Biennial in D.R. Currently teaches at Parsons the New School of Design in NY.

KATHERINE FREYGANG – ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE – MOBILE MURAL and climate solution banners 2018. Katherine Freygang studies and celebrates ecological relationships in art, events, exhibition design, architecture, and poetry. She works as an activist/educator in Connecticut and an artist/designer in New York; and is currently developing projects with Connecticut Innovations, Clean Water Action, Peabody Museum of Natural History at Yale University, Rhode Island School of Design, Connecticut’s UCC Congregational Environmental Ministry Team, Cornwall Energy Task Force, and Earth Celebrations.

DEE DEE MAUCHER- MOS COLLECTIVE -BIO REMEDIATION SCULPTURE: Artist/Environmental Educator with El Jardin del Paraiso Garden to convene with gardeners to design and develop a sculptural work incorporating the gardens’ natural materials and bio-remediation techniques of dirt fermented with effective microorganisms The sculpture could dissolve in the river and serve to revitalize the polluted waterway. She has developed bio-remediation art projects and educational workshops engaging participants in the creation of “mudball” and “bio-spheres” made of dirt fermented with microorganisms that improve health of soil and water. Her workshops have been presented through artist Mary Mattingly’s SWALE, New Museum, Waterfront Alliance, LUNGS Harvest Arts Festival and Harbor Lab and events throughout New York City.

MICHELE BRODY- ECOLOGICAL CITY VISUAL ART/COSUME WORKSHOP INSTRUCTOR will engage community participants through our workshop series building costumes and mobile sculptural artworks from organic and living materials. Michele has worked with Earth Celebrations leading our costume workshops series since 2009 for the Hudson River Pageant projects, where she presented the growing of the river grass skirts for the pageant as part of an exhibition at Brookfield Properties/Arts< World Financial Center. She is a visual ecological artist creating public art, ephemeral installations and living sculptures, as well as participatory rituals and community-engaged performances. Her works are made from natural and organic materials including seed, grass, bamboo, hand-made paper, and fiber. Michele has had one-person shows at the Lower East Side Tenement Museum, Bronx Museum of the Arts, Chashama 461 Gallery, Arts>World Financial Center-Winter Garden and internationally in Germany, Costa Rica and France. She received grants from the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council-MCAF, Pollack Krasner Foundation, New York Foundation for the Arts, New York State Council on the Arts, Puffin Foundation, Bronx Council on the Arts, 2015 Community Arts and Arts Fund Grants, Bronx, NY. Her public art installations include Bamboo Teahouse for the Bronx, Andrew Freedman Home in the Bronx and MTA Arts for Transit Program and through the Public Arts for Public Schools Program. She has a BA from Sarah Lawrence College 1989 and an MFA from the Arts Institute of Chicago in 1994.

Ecological City: Procession for Climate Solutions 2019 Credits

INTERNS: María Berroa Vega, Jemir Toussaint, Priya Subberwal, Lana Polito, Dalila Oliver, Dervla McElvaney, Diamond Leonard, Jesus Patino, Jose Cruz, Jeong Ho Bae


CEREMONIAL RAIN BARREL: Earth School (PS364) students
WAVE – ESCR COMMUNITY VISION STAFFS: David McGreevy with Thomas Harris
BIO-REMEDIATION GAIA SCULPTURE: MOS Collective and East Village Wellness Circle
40-FOOT MOBILE MURAL – LES SUSTAINABLE ECOSYSTEM: Katherine Freygang and Earth Celebrations Volunteers in partnership with Solar One, LUNGS, Sixth Street Community Center, East River Alliance, East River Park Coalition, LES Ecology Center, Friends of Corlears Hook Park, New York City Parks Department

COSTUME PERFORMERS: Stephanie Gate, Glenn Cueto, Kristen DeGroat, Klaudia Naprawa, Michelle Fong, Karen Vellensky, Jenna Witzleben, Marsha Ramdask Silvestri, Mark Skelly, Puella Lunaris, Kathy Flores, Nancy Bommer, Judy Sky, Sonia Pena, Luchy Salcedo, Emily Sause, Barbara Augsburger, Basadi Dibeela, Iva Kaufman, Carol Sterling, Delphine Le Goff, Gabrielle Schueler, Blanca Capone, Brett Edelstein, Dervla McElvaney, Mary Grace Ponzio, Andy Beck, Steven Young, Rosa Velez, Marta La Mantia, Emily Forche. Nancy Zendora, Maria Assis Silva, Hjordis Linn-Blanford, Leah Salmorin, Chana Widowski, Lorenzo Jaldin, Jerrod Ullyses, Kevin Clinton

MARSHALS: Zoë Rhinehart, María Berroa Vega, Jemir Toussaint, Priya Subberwal, Lana Polito, Dalila Oliver, Dervla McElvaney, Diamond Leonard, Thomas Harris, David McGreevy, Wilfredo Guzman, Joseph Reiver, Carol Diamond, David Nieves, Rick Vazquez, Louis Kleinman, Pamela Pettyjohn, Andrea Clinton, Jon Fields, Paolo, Michele Brody, Nancy Bommer, Katherine Freygang, Benjamin Shepard, Kylie Ford, Stephen Zacks, Aida Sulova, Allegra Parks, Catherine Cook, DeeDee Maucher, Dani Sheehan, Melanie Sheehan, Sharone H., Amy Francis

MAKEUP ARTISTS: Michele Diyids, Kian Stave, Lorelei Reiddel, Carol Sterling, Kathy Creutzburg, Judy Chen, Shirley Chau
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Rachel Elkind, Kristin Reimer, Sigal Ben-David, Hana Clemens, Josh Moritz, Carrie Cooper Basch
VIDEOGRAPHERS: Dave Fasano, Kareem Gonsalves, Leonardo Pallenberg, Priya Subberwal
VOLUNTEER GROUPS: One Brick – Vince Fuentes. Bronx Science Key Club – William Wu. Stuyvesant High School – Pamela


FOOD DONORS: Trader Joe’s, Two Boots, Super Seed Snacks
SOUND: Paolo Lanna – Jumpin Entertainment, Jon Fields
RICKSHAWS: George Bliss Bikes – P.O.N.Y. Pedicabs of New York