Earth Celebrations
Engaging Communities to Generate Ecological and Social Change through the Arts


Click the icon to view press:

Ecological City Press
(May 2018-2022)
Cultural Organizing Interview
(May 2017)
Center for Artistic Activism Interview
(September 2016)
Vaigai River Restoration
Hudson River Restoration
Direct Action Fashion Show, Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space
Exchange of Ideas Procession, New Museum
Save Our Gardens Procession
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Let the Gardens Live Pageant
Garden Preservation
Save Our Gardens: SGI Feature
Save Our Gardens: Hope Magazine Feature
High Performance: Procession to Save Our Gardens
Attack of the Butterfly Spirits
Community Gardens
A Brief History of Grassroots Greening
International Press: Elle Magazine
Struggle for Eden: Community Gardens in NYC
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Restaging the Sixties: Radical Theaters and Their Legacies
Power at the Roots: Gentrification, Community Gardens, and the Puerto Ricans of the Lower East Side
Icon 11
The People’s Property: Power, Politics, and the Public
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Urban Place: Reconnecting with the Natural World
Icon 13
Parades Parties and Protests
Design Spirit Magazine: The Making of a Festival Artist
Trash Monster: Performance and Recycling Action, New York Earth Day
Save McCaren Pool, in collaboration with Phyllis Yampolsky
Dia De Los Muertos Procession, Alternative Museum
(1988 & 1990)
Solstice Procession, in collaboration with Charlie Morrow






Earth Celebrations theatrical pageant and community organizing projects have been covered by newspapers, magazines, books, television, radio, and documentary films including:

Sparkles, Sarah, 2013. Parades, Parties, and Protests: Creative Resistance Culture. 218 Press.
Martinez, Miranda, 2010. Power at the Roots: Gentrification, Community Gardens, and the Puerto Ricans… Lexington Press.
Staeheli, Lynn A. and Mitchelll, Don, 2008. The People’s Property?: Power, Politics, and the Public. New York: Routledge.
Harding, James M., and Rosenthal, Cindy, 2006. Restaging the Sixties: Radical Theater and Their Legacies. The University of Michigan Press.
Pasquali, Michaela, 2006. Loisaida: NYC Community Gardens. Milano: a+m bookstore edizione.
Von Hassell, Malve, 2005. “ Community Gardens in New York City: Place, Community, and Individuality.” In Urban Place: Reconnecting the World, ed. Peggy F. Barlett. Cambridge, Massachusets: MIT Press. 2005.
Von Hassell, Malve, 2002. The Struggle for Eden: Community Gardens in New York City, Westport Connecticut: Bergin & Garvey.
Ferguson, Sarah, 1999. “A Brief History of Grassroots Greening on the Lower East Side.”  In Avant Gardening: Ecological Struggle in the City and the World, eds. Peter Lamborn Wilson and Bill Weinberg. New York: Autonomedia.

Saint-Gilles, Philippe, Director, 2010. New York Confidential: Downtown Manhattan. Arte Television Channel, France/Germany. (Documentary aired throughout Europe on 9/11 and on Swiss Air)
Lassinius, Fredrik and Brucker, Karen, 2009. Earth Celebrations Hudson River Pageant: A New York Ecological Story. (Big Apple Film Festival, New York)
(10 minute short documentary film) New York.
Evans, David Hayward, 1998. Dirt: A Year in the Life of Gardens in the East Village. (55-minute documentary film) New York: Walkabout Release. (Hamptons International Film Festival and PBS)

Earth Celebrations pageants, programs, and community organizing rallies and events have been featured on all network news including ABC, CBS, NBC, WOR9, WB11, MNN, GritTV with Laura Flanders, CNN, and PBS. International Television includes Arte, Fujsankei, and BBC.  Radio includes WNYC, NPR, and WBAI.
Fleck, Alyssa, 2013. “Direct Action Fashion Show Promotes Spectacle Going Green.” Our Town Downtown. February 19.
Sergeyev, Konstantin, 2013. “The Weirdest Wildest Outfits from the Direct Action Fashion Show.” The Local East Village, NYU Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute. February 11.
Mancuso, Anne, 2012. “Earth Celebrations: Hudson River Pageant” The New York Times. Friday, May 11.
Loeb Kreuzer, Terese, 2012. “Hudson River Pageant Showcases Costumes, Talent.” Downtown Express. May 22.
Anderson, Lincoln, 2012. “Take Me to the River.” The East Villager, March 1-7.
Stiffler, Scott, 2012. “Puppet, costume workshops prep you for Pageant: Hudson River marine life makes for fine muse.” Downtown Express. March 14-20.
Strassler, Doug, 2012. “Hudson River Pageant Brings a Community Together.” Our Town Downtown. March 1.
Mancuso, Anne, 2011. “Earth Celebrations: Hudson River Pageant.” The New York Times. Friday May 20.
Glassman, Carl, 2011. “The Hudson River Pageant.” The Tribeca Trib. Vol 17 No. 9. May.
Bayles, John, 2011. “Three Years of Blessing the Hudson River.” Downtown Express. May 25-31.
Mancuso, Ann, 2011. “Puppet and Costume Workshops.” The New York Times. March 18-24.
Glassman, Carl, 2011. “The Hudson River Pageant Needs Your Helping Hands.” The Tribeca Trib. March.
Hovitz, Helaina N., 2010. “Oysters and Oil Make for Surprising Pageant.” Downtown Express. Vol. 23 No. 3, May 28-June 3.
Mancuso, Anne, 2010. “Earth Celebrations: Hudson River Pageant.” The New York Times. May 20.
Minsky, Tequila, 2010. “Scene.”  The Villager. Vol 70 No 50, May 19-25.
Glassman, Carl, 2010. “Hudson River Pageant: A Sight to Behold.” The Tribeca Trib. May.
Robert, Elizabeth, 2010. “Take Me to the River: Pageant Puppets in the Works.” The Villager. Vol 79 No 43, March 31-April 6.
Mancuso Anne, 2010. “Earth Celebrations Puppet and Costume Workshops.” The New York Times. February 25.
Glassman,Carl, 2009. “River Pageant: A Colorful Show of Ecological Splendor-and Warning- Set off from Tribeca.” The Tribeca Trib. June.
Robert, Elizabeth, 2009. “River Dance.” Downtown Express. May 15-21.
Wu, Rita, 2009. “River Pageant will Overflow with Sights and Sounds.” The Villager. April 29-May 5.
Robert, Elizabeth, 2009. “ Dance of the River Grasses.” The Villager. May 13-19.
Anderson, Lincoln, 2009. “Environmental Extravaganza New M.O.: Take Me to the River.” The Villager. March 11-17.
Mancuso, Anne, 2009. “Earth Celebrations: Hudson River Pageant.” The New York Times. May 7.
Lobenthal, Lydia, 2007. “Patch of Green Earth.” SGI Quarterly: A Buddhist Forum for Peace, Culture, and Education, #48.
Assentat, Mireillle, 2007, “New York: A La Main Vert”, Elle Magazine, France.
Ferguson, Sarah, 2004. Earth Angels: “Eight-Hour Pageant Fetes East Village Gardens.” Village Voice, May 17.
Steinhauer, Jennifer, Ending a Long Battle, New York Let’s Housing and Gardens Grow, New York Times, September 19, 2002.
Avery, Susan, Flower Power, New York Magazine, 2002.
Graeber, Laurel, 2000. “East Village: Extravaganza for Community Gardens.” The New York Times. Sunday January 21.
Cunningham, Bill, 2000. “Sunday Styles: Odyssey of the Earth Winter Pageant.” The New York Times. February 6.
Young, Felicia, 1999. “Ceremonial Landscapes: Pageantry on the Lower East Side.” Exhibition catalogue guest curator In-Sites Series, Henry Street Settlement Abrons Arts Center, New York. June 10-July 30.
Seisel, Nancy, 1999. “Back to Nature, in a City Setting”, The New York Times, Sunday May 23.
Op-Ed, 1999. “Bette and Rudy: The Duet”, The New York Times, Saturday, May 15.
Barry, Dan, 1999. “Sudden Deal Saves Community Gardens Set for Auction” The New York Times. Thursday May 13.
Editorials/Letters, 1999. “Selling the People’s Gardens.” The New York Times. Monday May 3.
Mochin, Andrea, 1999. “Guardians of the Gardens.” The New York Times. Sunday April 11.
Graeber, Laurel, 1997. “Celebrating Flower Power.” The New York Times. May 27.
Shulman, Robin,1997. ”Unmaking Myths: Space for Public Art Falls to Developers.” The Village Voice. June 24.
Oppitz, Suzanne, 1997. “Save the Gardens: The City Against The People.” Point of View. Issue 4, May.
Baker, Russ, 1997. “Sidewalks End.” Hope Magazine: Humanity Making a Difference. March/April.
Young, Felicia, 1997. “Gardens of Urban Delight: The Lower East Side.” In-Sites Series exhibition catalogue, Henry Street Settlement Abrons Arts Center, New York, April.
Raver, Anne, 1997. “Is this City Big Enough for Gardens and Houses?” The New York Times, Thursday March 27.
Spodarek, Diane, 1997. “Celebrate Our City Gardens.” Aquarian. March.
Heddon, William, 1997. “New Housing May Uproot Lower East Side Garden.” The New York Observer. March 17.
Allon, Janet, 1997. “Girls Vs. Gardeners: On Ninth St., Two Into One Won’t Go.” The New York Times. March 2.
Atwood, Mary, 1997. “Citywide Garden Coalition Update.” West Side Beat. February 28.
Arellano, Humberto, 1997. “Preservamos Los Jardines De Neuva York.” El Diario La Prensa. February 15.
Coleman, Chrisena, 1997. “Rudy Urged to Leaf Gardens” Daily News. Friday, January 31.
Will, Brad, 1997. “Community Gardens Form Coalition.” Manhattan Mirror. January 1997.
Graeber, Laurel, 1997.  “Winter Spirits Dance So Gardens May Bloom.” The New York Times. Sunday, January 26.
Raver, Anne, 1997. “Houses Before Gardens, The City Decides.” The New York Times. Thursday, January 9.
Anderson Lincoln, 1996. “Save The Gardens.” The Villager. Volume 65 No. 35, January 7.
Kolker, Robert, 1996. “Steal this Garden: Winter Bacchanalia to Defend Lower East Side Green Space.”  Time Out New York. Issue No. 18. January 24-31.
Anderson, Lincoln, 1996. “City Bulldozes ABC Garden.” The Villager. Volume 65, No. 33, January 24.
Graeber, Laurel, 1996. “Bells and Lanterns Accompany Winter Pageant.” The New York Times. January 21.
Atwood, Mary, 1996. “Garden News: A Few Words About The New York City Coalition for The Preservation of Gardens.” West Side Beat. December 6.
Ferguson, Sarah, 1996. “Green Acres: New Housing Could Mean the End of Lower East Side Gardens.” The Village Voice. Vol XLI No. 27, July 2.
Kolker, Robert, 1996. “East Village Gardens Bloom in the annual Rites of Spring Parade.” Time Out New York.  Issue 35, May 22.
Ferguson, Sarah, 1996. “Ice Jam: Winter Candle Lantern Pageant.” The Village Voice. Vol. XL1 No. 5, January 30.
Kolker, Robert, 1995. “Deflowered.” Time Out New York. Issue 123, January 29-February 5.
Anderson, Lincoln, 1995. “Housing Plans Spark Lower East Side Protests.” The Villager. Volume 65 No. 21, October 25.
Roberts, Francis, 1995. “Back to the Garden, to Save It.” The New York Times. Monday, October 23.
Haberman, Michael, 1995. “Vacant Lot Gardeners Seek to Save Their Turf.” The Villager. Volume 65 No. 17, September 27.
Williams, Monte, 1995. “The You-Can’t-Win Dept,: Roachco Is Now Too Popular.” The New York Times. June 4.
Williams, Monte. 1995. “Gardeners Squash Roach Movie Plan.” The New York Times. April 16.
Anderson, Lincoln, 1995. Film Makers Change Minds on ABC Garden.” The Villager. April 12.
Murray, Ken, 1995. “Ticked By Flick.” Daily News. Saturday. April 8.
Ballou, Brian, 1995. “Garden of Trouble Growing for Film.” New York Newsday. April 3.
Raver, Anne, 1995. “Plot and Subplot on an East Village Lot.”The New York Times. March 30.
Hill, Kurt, 1995. “Winter Candle Lantern Pageant.” Lower East Side Rose. February 10.
Anderson, Lincoln, 1995. “Real Winter Gardening.” The Villager. Volume 64, February 1.
Muhammed, Ozier, 1995. “One of Downtowns Leading Lights.” The New York Times. Monday, January 30.
Monaster, Thomas, 1995. “Guardin’ The Gardens.” The Daily News. Sunday, January 29.
Graeber, Laurel, 1995. “Spirit of Nature in the East Village.” The New York Times. Sunday, January 22.
Haberman, Michael, Vacant Lot Gardeners Seeks to Save Their Turf, The Villager, September 27, 1995.
Editor, 1995. “Rites of Spring: Procession to Save Our Gardens.” Parabola: Myth, Tradition, and the Search for Meaning.
Graeber, Laurel, 1995. “Earth Celebrations Pageant.” The New York Times. May 26.
Williams, Monte, 1994. “Gardeners Squash Roach Movie Plan.” The New York Times. Sunday April 16.
Anderson, Lincoln, 1994. “Flower Power.” The Villager. Volume 64, No. 3, June 1.
Rosser, Phyllis, 1994. “Rites of Spring: Procession to Save Our Gardens.” High Performance: Contemporary Issues in Art, Community, and Culture. Fall.
Caldwell, Kelly, 1994. “Troubled Gardens.” City Limits. December.
Kemler, Elizabeth, 1994. “Precarious Jewels Among the Ruins: Community Gardens of the Lower East Side.” Satya Magazine. August 24.
Howe, Marvine, 1994. “Trouble in the Gardens?” The New York Times. Sunday May 15.
Raver, Anne, 1993. “Nature Spirits Amid the Concrete.” The New York Times. June 3.
Rickerby, Brad, 1993. “Procession to Save the Gardens.” The Villager. Volume 63 No. 3. Gates, Holly, 1993. “Joint Efforts.” Easy Gardening Magazine. June 2.
Anderson, Lincoln, 1993. “East Village; Almost Paraeso.” The Villager. June 4-18.
Bernstein, Lisa, 1993. “Rites of Spring: Procession to Save Our Gardens.” Downtown Resident June 2.
Musetto, V.A., 1993. “Garden Rites.” The New York Post. Friday, May 28.
Anderson, Lincoln, 1993. “History Lesson.” The Villager, May 5.
Czarnocka-Kolasa, Katarzyna, 1992. “Nasza Ameryka: Niedzielne Popoludnie W Parku.” Nowy Dziennik Polish Daily News.  November 18.
Downey, Jennifer, 1992. “McCarren Autumnfest.” Greenline: North Brooklyn Community News. Vol. XV No. 11, November.
Seisel, Nancy, 1992. “Fall is in the Air, Finally: Autumn Festival in McCarren Park.” New York Times. Monday, October 19.
Eng, Vince, 1992. “Mudpeople and Rites of Spring.” Harper’s. Vol. 285, No. 1706. July.
Fisher, Ian, 1992. “Blessing for Gardens Where Green Is So Rare.” The New York Times. May 25.
Weadock, Ruth, 1992. “Earthly Delights.” Newsday, Monday, May 25.
Wenzelberg, Charles, 1992. “Seedy Character.” New York Post. Monday, May 25.
Anderson, Lincoln, 1992. “Art: Garden Party.” Downtown Express. May 22.
Ferguson, Sarah, 1992. “Procession to Save Our Gardens.” The Village Voice. May 26.
De Boor, Klaus, 1992, “Das East Village in New York: Subkultur in Boom-Town.” Blickpunkt Das Jugendmagazin. Mai/Juni.
Ferguson, Sarah, 1992. “Cheap Thrills: Trash Monster Junk It To Ride.” Village Voice.
April 28.
Gunderson, Greta, 1992. “Celebrate Earth Week at the World Trade Center.” News at the World Trade Center. April.
Webber, Diane, 1992.  “Best of the Week: Trash Monster.” Downtown Express. Vol 6 No 8, April, 13.
Jay, Kathy, 1991. “Environmentalists Use Garbage for Urban Harvest Parade.” Washington Square News: New York University’s Student Newspaper. Vol XIX, Friday, October 4.
Valeriano, Lourdes, 1991. “Love a Parade: Earth Goddess, Mud People, Prepare to Honor Lower East Side Gardens.” Wall Street Journal, Monday, May 20.
Editor, 1991. “Wildlife.” The New Yorker, May 27.
Rose Mark, 1991. “Parade Rest: Lower East Side Garden Party.” New York Press. June 5-11.
Rose, Mark, 1990. “Secret Gardens: Pageanteer with a Mission.” NY Press. May 25.
Young, Felicia, 1990. “Dia De Los Muertos Candlelight Procession: Homelesness” Alternative Museum Exhibition Catalogue. November 2.
Koblentz-Goodman, Suzanne, 1990. “Making of a Festival Artist.” Design Spirit Magazine. Fall.
Brozan, Nadine, 1990. “A Crumbling Pool Divides a Neighborhood.”  The New York Times. July 30.
Gentile, Don. 1990. “Our Good Earth Day: City is Filled with Global Affection” Daily News, Monday, April 23.
Higgins Jr., Chester, 1989. “Arrival of Summer is Warmly Welcomed.” The New York Times. Thursday, June 22.
Roosenstock, Stacey, 1988. “Power to the People.” The Westsider. September 8-14.
Schultz, Helen, 1978. “Between Snowstorms: Dragon Born in Cliffs.” The Bergen News. March 1.
Johnston, Laurie, 1978. “Donna McKechnie and the Young Poets Number; Performance is Tomorrow.” The New York Times. January 27.