Earth Celebrations
Engaging Communities to Generate Ecological and Social Change through the Arts

Hudson River Pageant Videos

Documentary on Hudson River Pageant by Fredrik Lassenius and Karen Brucker

NY Confidential documentary on downtown New York City culture after 9-11 featuring Earth Celebrations. Made for French Television Canal and directed by Philippe Saint Gilles

Earth Celebrations Hudson River Pageant Workshops


“Movement Of The Estuary

Poem by class from Poets House class, and read by Mike Romanos

Dance of the River Grass

Chior River Song

Boathouse Dance Pier 40 – paddlebaord

Amanda Selwyn Boathouse Dance Pier 40

Hudson & Fulton Theatrical Vignettes

Taming Trash Tricksters

Oyster Planting<

Live Fish Release

Honoring Lenape Indians

Boat Dance by Alice Farley & Harmonic Chant Concert by David Hykes and the Harmonic Choir

2010 Hudson River Pageant


Documentary on Hudson River Pageant by Fredrik Lassenius and Karen Brucker

Boat Dance by Alice Farley & The Harmonic Chant Concert by David Hykes and the Harmonic Choir

Oyster Planting Ceremony / Boat Dance by Alice Farley and Harmonic Chant Concert by David Hykes and the Harmonic Choir

Oyster Planting Ceremony-Pink Angel Violin Oyster Aria

Honoring of the Lenape

Crying Whale Song by Marta V

Aimee Margolis video clip of Hudson River Pageant

Tribeca Trib Video clip/slide show of Hudson River Pageant

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