CONTACT: Ninette Kiddon
LOCATION: 9th Street and Avenue C
At 9th Street and Avenue C, a dreary corner lot
was cleared and transformed into one of the largest
and most diversified of gardens on the Lower East
Side. The location is quite favorable; a large
expanse with unobstructed sunlight from all
directions, easy access to water, plants of all
sorts, some rare and valuable, brought by gardeners
and friends from many places.
From 1978 when it began, members expanded and
enriched the available land, gaining additional lots
through the condemnation of and the razing of
adjacent buildings. At this time, no further change
nor development is expected.
All the founding gardeners were from the immediate
neighborhood; as the city changed so did the
membership. At first there were hardly a half-dozen
who wanted to make a garden for the community; in
recent years, there are about three dozen members.
Each has brought something to the garden - in spirit,
effort or in materials. Within the garden are spaces
which are tended in memory of some people who have
contributed greatly.
Though now expanded, the pathways remain as
originally laid out. There is an enormous willow tree
circled by signs of the zodiac set in mosaic, (these
stone decorations were found on the street and
joyfully added to the garden long ago). Wooden
structures for elegant loafing have been erected as
well as utilitarian sheds, and bins, fences and
arbors. And a pond - yes, with lots of goldfish. Two
mulberry trees were set out close to the sidewalk in
the earliest years - much to the delight of children
as the trees drop purple berries on the ground each
Nowadays, the fences along Ave. C and 9th Street
are shared by street vendors along with vines of
moonflower, honeysuckle and bittersweet planted 15
years ago. Sharing the garden with passersby and
sidewalk vendors represent yet another aspect of
contemporary city gardens. Decisions made during
official 9th Street GardenerĀ¹s meetings try to
accommodate differing needs in this extremely diverse
community. Most members believe that enhancing the
sense of improvement on the Lower East Side by the
gardenĀ¹s visible growth is part of the purpose of
the garden. Another element, less tangible yet
equally valuable, is a link from our community of
gardeners to the community of citizens.