CB3 voted sept. 19th, 1995 in unjust and
misrepresentational vote, to release this garden for
proposed development plans for middle and market rate
housing part of a cross-subsidy plan. Housing
Preservation and Development has not decided which
sites they will actually develop but is wavering
between CB recommendation and community letters in
support of the gardens preservation. It is important
for the community and others to participate in our
letter writing campaign.
The Green Oasis Community Garden, established in
1981, was created from five depressed abandoned lots
located on East 8th St between Avenues C & D. The
founders, Norman Vallee and Reinaldo Arana, hoped to
create an alternative to the streets for the
neighborhood youth. With the aid of friends and
children from the community, the lots were cleared of
rubble, dumped cars, and all forms of garbage to
prepare for building a garden. What this process
encouraged was; positive community interaction,
fulfilling a need. This community support helped
create what has become one of the most dynamic and
important community gardens on the Lower East
Side-providing the community with not only an
impressive garden landscaped with foliage and trees
bearing fruit, but a theatre, a playground, a grape
arbor, a barbecue pit, a picnic area with a pond
housing goldfish and a turtle, bird houses, vegetable
plots, slate and marble pathways for wheelchair
accessibility, a gazebo, and beehives providing
Maintained by community volunteers, innovative in
their efforts to maintain this green open space, this
garden provides a setting for public events and
theater productions; gardening and educational
programming; vitalizing both cultural interactions
and exchange year round. Although the garden¹s
interest is to establish a permanent garden &
theater for children; it also involves adults,
artistic and cultural organizations and special
interest groups in its activities. The garden seeks
to become a permanent institution serving the
Who uses the Garden?
At the start, we realized, that the enthusiasm the
neighborhood youth had for digging and planting was
not meeting their need to channel all their creative
impulses. As a result, the Art & Theatre
Workshops began.. With donated supplies, and little
assistance, co-founder Reinaldo Arana, began working
with the children making masks. This inspired a play
to be written and a stage to be built, resulting in
the Gardens first staged theater production ³The
Enchanted Garden² in 1987. (The staging of this
production is now an annual event). With the success
of this first production, the Art & Theater
Workshops began working with local schools, making
Green Oasis a valuable educational and cultural
resource. As part of this community outreach effort,
Green Oasis began to co-ordinate activities with
numerous local schools and city programs, including
The Manhattan Alternative to Incarceration Program,
City Volunteer Corps, New York Cares, Summer Youth of
the Board of Education, United Cerebral Palsy, as
well as community senior centers and numerous special
interest groups. Our resources embraced the
involvement of everyone-including people of every
age, race, ability and ethnic/cultural roots,
choosing to use these diversities to enrich our
creative and cultural projects. To make the garden
accessible to wheelchairs, the elderly and the
physically challenged, garden members have installed
a network of marble and slate pathways and have built
raised plots so that people with special needs can
easily garden.
Goals and Objectives
The members of the Board of Directors, are highly
committed and optimistic about the future development
of the garden¹s programs. A positive attitude and
understanding respond to the need for services and
programs for the community in the near future.
Aggressive fundraising campaigns to expand our
already existing programs and develop new activities
during the upcoming seasons are essential.
Maintaining contact with different organizations and
funding resources, local donations and in kind
contributions, are what make many of our projects
possible. these directed efforts are primarily
concerned with securing funds for garden maintenance;
development of art, cultural education and theater
programs; expansion of greening and gardening
projects; field trips; as well as staff training.
Our Junior Board of Directors, integrating
children and young adults, are involved in the
running and decision making of the garden, this helps
them to develop organizational and managerial skills,
as well as self esteem. They are our hope for the
We encourage all to support and partake in the
enrichment and preservation of a vital community
resource, a garden of value to the entire community.
The ethnically rich cultural communities (a part
of the social economic structure of the working class
and lower income minorities) have always been a
nurturing spirit for the many artists who have chosen
to live in these often underdeveloped areas. This
created an interesting pattern, allowing many artists
a long standing history with living and working
inside of these communities. Willingly working
together (while struggling to maintain their mutual
interest with cultural events important to their
backgrounds) and aspiring to strengthen their need
for Œcommunity¹, created a resurgence for
community responsibility.
The development of a project like the Green Oasis
Community Garden (in the midst of what seemed to be a
ruined urban site), seemed inevitable. Expectantly,
it took the creative energies of the many gifted
artists, living in that community, to envision the
possibilities of creating a ŒGreen Oasis¹ in
the midst of what existed as abandoned rubble. This
new found need for a revived sense of
Œcommunity¹, and a shared interest in the
potential creativity and cultural development of the
Green Oasis Community Garden generated encouragement,
enthusiastically shared by many of the communities
long-standing residents, who became active
participants in many of the garden¹s activities.
Both artists/residents--at cause to having to spend a
great deal of time living and often working within
the immediate neighborhood, made this project seem
not only meaningful but necessary.
The result of this effort today, seem astounding,
and by no means have gone unnoticed. The Gardens
development over the years have become recognized by
numerous community organizations city wide and
enriched the community in which it now thrives by
working to include the involvement of
everyone--indiscriminate of age, race, ability or
ethnic/cultural roots, choosing to use these
diversities to enrich its creative and cultural
projects...thus making it of value to everyone in the
immediate community and the surrounding area.
The Vision:
First, to create something beautiful that would
change the way the community felt about the
neighborhood. Second, to encourage members of the
community to become involved, allowing for an
opportunity for all to share in a common positive
experience and community responsibility. And third,
to provide a safe space for the youth, an alternative
to the streets.
The result of this effort today, is astounding and
by no means have gone unnoticed. The Garden¹s
development over the years has become recognized by
numerous community organizations city wide and
enriched the community in which it now thrives by
working to include the involvement of everyone.